Since the opening of the electroporation method, E. Neuman was passed a lot of time. This method allows penetrating inside the cell of high-molecular compounds, by increasing the permeability of the membrane using an electric field. At present, this method is used both as a reversible and as an irreversible process in biotechnology and medicine. Electroporation is used in different variety of areas, for example, in medicine for the treatment of cancer, in biotechnology to create hybrids, in cosmetology for the delivery of drugs to the cells. Wherever this method is used, it is always based on the effect of electromagnetic pulses on the cell membrane to form pores of the required dimensions. Recently, the electroporation method has become widely used in cosmetology, as a method of non-injection mesotherapy. During electroporation in the bilayer lipid membrane, a local restructuring of the structure occurs, leading to the appearance of reversible through water channels. This method promotes faster penetration of necessary substances (drugs, vitamins) inside. This technique increases cell permeability by 400 times. In this case, about 90 - 100% of the active substances penetrate.
Oleksandra Skrynska 1, Julia Antonova-Rafi 1, Igor Khudetskyy 1 TREATING SKIN WITH USE OF ELECTROPORATION // Биомедицинская инженерия и электроника. – 2019. – № 1;
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