Биомедицинская инженерия и электроника
Электронный научный журнал

Технические науки
Litvinenko V.M. 1, Novicova N.M. 1

1. Kherson National Technical University


To get rid of any ailments of the peripheral and central nervous system, disorders of the functioning of the digestive organs, chronic inflammatory diseases, oncological diseases, diseases of the joints and other disorders of normal functioning of the body, such physiotherapeutic methods as laser therapy, cryotherapy, and infra and many others. The most common form of galvanization in physiotherapy is electrophoresis. It is a physiotherapy method of treatment that involves the introduction into the body of drugs in the form of ions by means of a direct or pulsed current. The peculiarity of this method is that it affects the body immediately by two factors - a drug and a galvanic current. The positive result of this is achieved faster than with conventional medication. The drugs introduced by electrophoresis enter into local metabolic processes and also cause prolonged irritation of the nerve receptors of the skin, leading to reflex reactions of a metameric and generalized nature. In addition, drugs entering the lymph and blood have the ability to have a humoral effect on the most sensitive tissues. Nowadays a wide range of devices for electrophoresis is produced. At the same time, many of them have a complex structure consisting of many elements, and therefore have low reliability and high cost. In this regard, the need to continue improving the electrophoresis device has become necessary. The paper presents a reliable, relatively inexpensive device for electrophoresis. With respect to the analog circuit, optimization was performed, which consisted of replacing two transistors with their analogs - more reliable devices. This made it possible to increase the reliability of the developed device as a whole. To test the performance of the developed device, a simulation of the device schematic in Proteus was performed, which showed the good functioning of the device.

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