Биомедицинская инженерия и электроника
Электронный научный журнал

Технические науки
DEVELOPMENT OF A WATER saturation device for silver ions
Litvinenko V.M. 1, Stryponchuk D.V. 1

1. Kherson National Technical University


Water silvering is a kind of antiseptic purification, but without the use of harmful chemicals - in this case pure natural silver, which is put into the water for a while, acts as an antiseptic. The fundamental difference between this method and others is that the treatment of silver makes water not only safe (it is proved that silver ions kill the vast majority of harmful microorganisms), but also useful. According to official medical research, "silver" water improves metabolism, strengthens immunity, promotes the treatment and prevention of various diseases (such as diseases of the digestive system, bronchi, lungs, as well as for the treatment of burns and skin diseases) and improves overall well-being. Nowadays a wide range of devices for production of "silver water" is produced. However, many of them have a complex design consisting of many elements, and therefore have low reliability and high cost. In this regard, it became necessary to continue the work on improving the devices for saturation of water with silver ions. The paper presents a reliable, relatively inexpensive device for producing silver water. With respect to the analog circuit, optimization was performed, which consisted of replacing five transistors with their analogs - more reliable devices. This made it possible to increase the reliability of the developed device as a whole. To test the performance of the developed device, a simulation of the device schematic in Proteus was performed, which showed the good functioning of the device.

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