Биомедицинская инженерия и электроника
Электронный научный журнал

Технические науки
Novikov O.O. 1, Lyakutina R. 1

1. Kherson National Technical University


The science work is devoted to an experimental study of the effect of a router on various kinds of water. A conductivity meter and certain methods for measuring pH, specific electrical conductivity and impurity concentrations of three types of water have been developed. It is shown that the Wi-Fi radiation causes changes in the parameters of all the considered water species. Therefore, we can assume that water is an indicator of the effect of radiation. There are a number of cases where Wi-Fi was suspected of life-threatening, in particular, in 2002, the California Department of Health has invested seven million dollars in a study that showed that electromagnetic radiation is directly linked to an increased risk of breast cancer, miscarriages , Alzheimer´s disease, leukemia, sudden death from heart failure and bone cancer in children and adults. In early 2003, Swedish scientists published a report that describes possible damage to nerve cells in the brain of mammals under the influence of microwaves emitted by mobile phones of the GSM standard. The report says that among the possible effects of radiation - reducing the possibility of absorption of calcium, headaches and even the threat of dementia. Prolonged exposure to high-frequency radiation by radio waves can lead to the discontinuity of DNA strands, changes in chromosomes and damage to the blood-brain barrier responsible for preventing the mixing of circulating blood in the body with the liquid tissues surrounding the brain cells. As a result, toxic proteins can penetrate the brain, resulting in complex diseases. n May 2007, the magazine The Bulletin published a major article on this issue. It indicated that wireless data transfer technologies could have a negative effect on the cerebral cortex. According to research by scientists, more than 3% of people suffer from so-called hyperelectrosensitivity (the body of these people is very sensitive to electromagnetic fields). In their opinion, children are the most perilous, because they have a more delicate cranial bone, and the nervous system is in the formation stage. However, it is noted that the radiation of Wi-Fi is not harmful.

Keywords: water, radiation, Wi-Fi

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