Биомедицинская инженерия и электроника
Электронный научный журнал

Технические науки
Novikova L.V. 1, Solatov S. 1

1. Kherson National Technical University


The described method of obtaining an image in an optical tomograph of strongly scattering heterogeneous objects, in which the form of the absorption spectrum near the extremum is used as a visualization parameter. It is shown that with an optimal choice of this parameter, it is possible to significantly degrade the contrast of the image of diagnostic signifi- cant features and improve the "effective" spatial resolution by decreasing the brightness of the image of nonspecific characters. The resulted algorithm of such optimization and the caused choice of diagnostically significant signs for oncological diseases of mammary glands. The difficulty lies in demonstrating the advantages of coherent optics before incoherent (which is often cheaper, more convenient and more natural) or digital methods. Coherent optics will be appropriate only where the need for its use is likely to be established. Secondly, coherent optics can perform operations that can not be performed by other methods, for example, holographic image formation and detection of small shifts by means of holography. The problem in this case is to show that such operations are needed. In the transition from an idea to an accepted practical use, any application of coherent optics should take place in three stages. We call these stages "evidence", "technique" and "implementation". At the first stage it is necessary to find out, "whether this procedure can be performed using coherent optics," and "whether this procedure should be performed using coherent optics." In this case, in turn, two questions arise. First: "Is the proposed operation really worth doing?" and second: "Is coherent optics the best tool for this?". In the case of treating transaxial tomographic images, alternative approaches that deserve attention are digital methods and incoherent optical processing. Coherent the method passes both tests at the stage of proof, it can go into the technical stage. The vast majority of methods of coherent optics is in the first stage. This does not mean that they will not lead to ultimate recognition

Keywords: tomography, image, diagnostics

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