Биомедицинская инженерия и электроника
Электронный научный журнал

Технические науки
Novikov O.O. 1, Ponomarenko V. 1

1. Kherson National Technical University


The work is devoted to the analysis and establishment of the criterion of the accuracy of clinical and analytical studies. The paper considers the variants of laboratory results, their sources and types. Biological bases for solving analytical and diagnostic problems. The analysis of two approaches in the choice of the distribution of health or pathology was carried out. The analysis of the use of the individuality index of the biological variation of the experimental urine indicators of healthy people was compared with the literature data, which found that the chosen calculation technique satisfies the level of accuracy. The experimental approbation of the proposed mathematical apparatus for establishing the diagnostic result for clinico-analytic indices revealed the reliability of routine research. The task of the laboratory within the multidisciplinary institution of health care is to provide timely and reliable information on the state of organs and systems in the process of treatment and diagnostic activity. Effectively, this task can be solved only with the optimal ratio of cost and informativeness of the laboratory study. Expenditures on modern laboratory research are about 1/3 of the total cost of examination and treatment. The choice of methods, equipment and staffing by professionals is a creative process that does not have the appropriate methodological and adequate regulatory support. Organization of laboratory examination in accordance with the system of standards of medical care is intended to provide the clinician with the most informative research, which allows to optimize the whole medical and diagnostic process. The key role in this process is played by the reliability of the research result, which includes the analytical activity of a specialist in the laboratory analyst (doctor, biologist, medical technologist, medical laboratory technician, laboratory assistant) controlled by the quality management system, as well as before and after the analytical stages.

Keywords: accuracy, urine, indicator

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