Биомедицинская инженерия и электроника
Электронный научный журнал

Технические науки
Digital Phase Meter
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The advanced study is devoted development of digital measuring device of phase change. The perspective method of creation of digital phase meter which consists in programming of microcontroller in the environment of program development for the microcontrollers of Algorithm Builder is in-process offered. Based on the method of creating digital phasemeter the method of direct assessment to measure the phase shift and developed a device for measuring the phase shift of two harmonic oscillations, thereby simultaneously increase the resolution to 0,1 ̊ and reduce to 2 - 3 times the error of measuring the phase shift at low levels input signals over analog electronic phase meter. Based on software and hardware Algorithm Builder by computer modeling, programming microcontroller and practical implementation scheme digital phase shift. Resolution to measure the phase shift developed phasemeter on microcontroller of firm “ATMEL” makes a 0,1 degrees, and error a not more than 1 deg. General characteristics of scientific work. Work includes: an introduction, four chapters, conclusions, list of sources used. Number of pages - 27, the number of pictures - 10, the number of used scientific sources - 10.

Keywords: digital phase meter, phase shift, microcontroller, algorithm, phase shift meter

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